

1 recruiter account


10 recruiter accounts

Start Free Trial


5 candidate seats per recruiter
Unlimited roles and note generations
Unlimited stage assignments per candidate
5 mock interviews per candidate per day

1 recruiter account


10 recruiter accounts.

Start Free Trial


5 candidate seats per recruiter
1 mock interview per candidate per day
Unlimited stage assignments per candidate
Unlimited roles and note generations

Most asked questions

Can I get a free trial?

Yes! Please reach out to us and we will arrange a 2 week free trial period for you and your firm.

Can I cancel my subscription?

We charge on a monthly basis. You can cancel at any point in time. You will be charge for that month but will be able to use Grilld.

How do I get started?

To get started with Grilld, simply choose your preferred pricing plan – either per recruiter or per agency – and sign up on our website. Once registered, you can immediately begin adding candidates and customizing interview preparation materials to suit your needs.

Is there a discount for early adopters?

Yes, early adopters enjoy discounted rates on the plus services: £74.99 per recruiter and £650.99 for an agency package of 10 recruiters.